Annual Reports, Business Plans & Reviews

Current Publications

The 2023 Annual Report will be published shortly.
Our Business Plan defines who we are and maps out our expectations, goals and areas of focus over a three-year period.

Our Annual Report demonstrates our competencies in all aspects of operations and processes; as required by all public secondary schools in Western Australia.

Public School Reviews are conducted every 3-5 years to ensure we are meeting the expectations and goals in our Business Plan.  We conduct a self-assessment in six key areas:  relationships and partnerships; learning environment; leadership; use of resources; teaching quality; and student achievement and progress. Our assessment is then reviewed by the Department of Education, who meet with College staff and organisations working closely with us.  Based on the evidence presented, the Reviewers will endorse our assessments and offer recommendations for future development.

Archived Publications

Printed copies of current or previous Annual Reports and Business Plans are available from Administration on request.