Academic Extension Program Year 7-10

Registrations for the Year 7 2026 Academic Extension Program will open later in 2025. Please contact Administration for more information.

Full details are in the AEP Testing registration form; please complete the form and email by the deadline. Alternatively, after reading the registration form, please call College Administration on 9561 4200 to register your child for the testing by phone.
Commencing in Year 7 and continuing to Year 10, we offer students in the Academic Extension Program (AEP) a highly engaging and challenging program. Extra-curricular activities are designed to enhance our students' understanding of the Australian Curriculum. Excursions, incursions, camps and tours develop students' leadership, self-confidence and problem-solving skills. Japanese Language studies is a compulsory component of the AE Program in Year 7 and 8. AEP students will learn Japanese from a qualified language teacher. For more information about the program, please email Associate Principal Mark Humphries or call Administration on 9561 4200.