Health and Physical Education

Our College is taking part in an important research study by the Telethon Kids Institute, investigating young people's experiences, views and opinions on energy drinks. The findings will help researchers develop health programs, guidelines and policies regarding the use of energy drinks by young people. It is vital that we have as many students as possible complete the survey in order to maximise the quality of the research. All students in Year 7-12 are invited to participate - even if you do not drink energy drinks.
- Participation is voluntary and involves completing one confidential online survey (20-30 minutes) during class time in Term 1 or 2 2018.
- The survey will focus on energy and other drinks (eg caffeine, soft drinks) - whether students drink them or not; how much & how often; and if side effects were experienced after consumption. Background questions will also be asked - age, gender, year level, postcode, as well as questions of a family socio-economic nature.
- All students were given an Information Booklet and Consent Form during their HASS class, explaining in more detail the nature of the survey and research.
We encourage all students to participate in this important project. For more information please contact Jasmine Cousins at or Telethon Kids Institute Project Co-Ordinator, Heather McKee on 9489 7600 or
If you would like your child to participate, please complete the Consent form and return it to your childs' HASS teacher by Friday 9 March.
Health & Physical Education
Our aim is to promote students’ self-evaluation of their own health and fitness practices and the challenges associated with living in a modern society, and empower them to make appropriate well-informed changes. Students are offered a broad cross-section of sports and physical activities to develop a wide range of skills.
Lower school students will learn several sports annually, in addition to opportunities such as the House Swimming and Athletics Carnivals, interschool lightning carnivals and after-school representative teams. In addition to skill assessments relating to each specific sport, students are also assessed on their ability to interpret the rules of each sport in game situations.
Through our programs students learn vital skillsets important for the overall development of the individual. Life skills such as teamwork, cooperation and resilience prepare students for real-world experiences. Physical Education activities provide a conduit whereby students pursue excellence and showcase their abilities across a broad range of activities and educational settings whilst promoting integrity and respect for all. All students are expected to comply with obligations to maintain appropriate behaviour and dress standards, be gracious in accepting decisions, and to attempt best efforts at all times. We pride ourselves on the conduct and sportsmanship of our students, both on and off the sporting field and have high expectations that reflect community standards.
High performance courses including Rugby, Cricket and Netball are also offered for those students wishing to extend themselves in these sports. These high performance courses provide students with high-end, in-depth, tactical experiences that aim to fast-track students’ skill, knowledge and abilities. Please refer to the College Focus Programs page on our website for further information about these programs.
Health Education at Butler College is aimed at supporting the physiological, mental and social wellbeing of all students. Students will address current and topical issues including cyber-awareness, personal development, interpersonal skills, and coping mechanisms associated with the pressures and demands of everyday life in an ever changing world.
In senior school ATAR and General Pathways in both Physical Education and Health are offered, as well as Vocation & Educational Training (VET) Certificate II Sport and Recreation. For more information on senior school courses, please refer to the Student Curriculum Handbook.