Subject Selections and Course Handbooks

Choosing elective subjects for the next school year occurs in Term 2 for current Year 10 students (going into Year 11) and in Term 3 for current Year 8 and 9 students (going into Years 9 and 10).

Students going into Year 12 are not required to choose subjects as their Year 11 courses continue in Year 12. Year 7 students do not choose elective subjects in their first year or going into Year 8.

Course Handbooks provide information about the subjects on offer - see STEP 1 below. Selection dates and procedures are provided to students and parents via Compass News in the term they are scheduled to select their subjects. 

Students select their elective subjects using the online platform Griddle, accessible via Compass. For information on accessing Griddle and the selection process, refer to Compass News.

Follow Steps 1-3 below to complete the subject selection process.

Year 11 Subject Selections

Selections for 2025 have now closed. Contact Administration on 9561 4200 for more information. 

Please read the Year 11 2025 Butler College Subject Selections Instructions for details on navigating Griddle to select your subjects, and follow STEPS 1-3 below.

Year 9 and 10 Subject Selections  

Griddle will open for 2025 Subject Selections at 5:00pm on Friday, 6 September, and close at 11:59pm on Sunday, 15 September. When Griddle opens, students will receive an email (to their Department of Education email address) with their access link to Griddle; it is important that students know their email password to open the email. Students can see the IT Department for help changing their password if needed. Refer to the Compass News item for more details.

Please read the Year 9 and 10 2025 Butler College Subject Selections Instructions for details on navigating Griddle to select your subjects, and follow STEPS 1-3 below.

Step 1 - Read the Course Handbooks

Before selecting subjects, we recommend students and parents read the relevant Course Handbook, containing information on courses, costs and payments. While Griddle remains open, you may make changes to the subjects that have been selected. Once Griddle has closed, you can no longer make any changes. Subject changes deemed necessary after subject selections have closed are at the discretion of the College. The course handbooks are also available on Compass under Community / School Documentation.

Step 2 - Read the Subject Selection Instructions

Subject selections are completed using Griddle. Please read the instructions above. Instructions and each student’s individual Griddle link will be sent to the student's Department of Education email address. Parents will receive information via Compass; please ensure your email address supplied to us is up-to-date to ensure you do not miss any information.

Step 3 - Log in to Griddle

Referring to the Griddle instructions and your course handbook, follow the prompts in Griddle to complete the selection process. While a deposit of 50% of the total charges for the subjects chosen is appreciated, it is not compulsory when making your selections. If you wish to pay a deposit, online payments can be made via Bpoint (green PAYMENTS button at the top of the website, Biller code ‘Subject Charges 2025’ and follow the prompts). Compulsory charges and voluntary contributions for your child’s subjects in the next school year, will be included with the Booklist – emailed to parents before the end of the current school year. Contributions and Charges include:

  • Charges associated with each course selected;

  • Any other compulsory charges required by the College; and

  • Any voluntary contributions approved by the College Board

Compulsory charges (including for elective subjects chosen) must be paid in full by the end of Term 1 each year, unless a College-approved payment plan is in place. Please contact College Administration on 9561 4200 if you have any queries or experience difficulties in using Griddle.